Monday, July 19, 2010

Can I Get a Chair

Last night I spent most of a lovely evening out with good friends in a bathroom stall.  Let me explain.  It was my husband's good high school and college friend's birthday and we all went to celebrate at a steak house just outside our town.  Baby Posh Play usually loves restaurants so we thought he would do great.  He was such a good baby only he got hungry part way through the night so I whisked him off to the ladies room for a little dinner in a more quiet environment.  The bathroom stall.  I know breastfeeding in public is a controversial issue which seems a little ridiculous to me.  Most of us were breastfed right so why does everyone make such a big deal out of it?  Guys get to peel off their shirts in summer and flash us their sometimes (usually) unattractive bods so who cares if I cover mine up and feed my baby discreetly at a dinner table?  Out of respect for the group I usually skulk away to the nearest bathroom just to avoid confrontation about the appropriateness of public breastfeeding.

So we sat in the bathroom stall.  Baby Posh Play eating away and me chatting with him quietly and enjoying our time together.  The thing is I love him so much I could spend ten minutes with him in a sewer and be completely content.  Only it occured to me.  Why was I sitting in a totally expensive restaurant on a toilet feeding my baby?  Cleanliness issues aside it just isn't that comfortable.  Why has our society tucked away breastfeeding moms and not made more accomodations for them?  If it wasn't 100 degrees here I would probably go to the car only we can't do that here in the summer.  Why can't public establishments at least put a freaking chair in the bathroom for moms to sit down and properly feed their babies?

I started thinking about all the older establishments that we frequent and how many of them have makeup rooms and dressing areas of the bathroom where ladies used to apply makeup, chat and I am assuming breastfeed.

Nordstrom does it right!  I love their plush ladies rooms with a whole room just for breastfeeding.  One mall in our area has family bathrooms where they have breastfeeding areas and stalls, comfortable chairs, flat screen TVs, bottle warmers and more.  I have started trying to only shop there just because it is so much more convenient and I want to support a company that makes accomodations for moms.  As a new Mom it is hard enough figuring everything out that it would be nice if we were actually an accepted part of society and not some group relegated to behind toilet stall doors.

Don't even get me started on those horrible Koala Care diaper changers in public bathrooms.  Not only are they usually in the most inconvenient place in the whole bathroom they are never stalked with the liners they claim should be used.  I have never in my three months of breastfeeding and diaper changing in public bathrooms ever seen a stocked Koala Care diaper changer.  Not even in the expensive steak house.  Come on America let's start treating breastfeeding Moms like the loving women that we are.  Let's at least start building public bathrooms with chairs!

(This cute bathroom chair courtesy of Eddie Ross).

7 comments on "Can I Get a Chair"

Julie on July 20, 2010 at 8:21 AM said...

Love the chair! Just came across your blog, fabulous!

Julie on July 20, 2010 at 8:23 AM said...

Really Like your Blog, New follower!

Saretta on July 20, 2010 at 11:10 AM said...

I so agree with you! My breast-feeding days are lightyears in the past, but I remember the whole issue oh so well. Luckily, I live in Europe where a little discreet public breast-feeding is completely acceptable, but on my visits back to the States it was always a hassle.

Unknown on July 20, 2010 at 11:14 AM said...

Hahaha - great post. And - yeah - totally you should get a chair!!! I never even thought about this before, but it is such a good point. I love that chair, by the way. I am so into green right now, it's ridic.

Jessica Warrick on July 20, 2010 at 1:03 PM said...

following you form Tuesday blog hop

Housewife Eclectic on July 22, 2010 at 9:46 PM said...

I have always wondered why there is never so much as a chair in the bathroom. Good post.

Thank you so much for the follow, I am returning it now. Come add your blog to the Housewife Eclectic Blogshare community. Find new blogs and gain new readers!

Unknown on October 22, 2010 at 4:12 PM said...

Hey, I'm following back from

I have 5 kids, and have breastfed them all. With my first, I was very shy and nervous, so I breastfed him in bathroom stalls.

Then when I had baby #2, I decided, "screw it", and began breastfeeding anywhere and everywhere. I was discreet about it; I only lifted my shirt enough for the baby to latch-on. And luckily, my right to breastfeed in public is now protected by my government.

But I totally agree, that for those not comfortable with public breastfeeding, bathrooms should be tricked out with at the very least, a chair! Our mall just underwent a huge renovation, and now has beautiful family washrooms, too.


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