Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sprouts Anyone

Every summer I get in fresh mode.  I just want to eat things that are cold and just picked.  This might be because we live in a place as hot as the desert and the only way to survive the heat here is to eat fresh crisp foods.  One of my favorite staples are sprouts!  I get sort of annoyed at the grocery store paying for sprouts since we got through them so fast since we stuff them in pitas and put them in sandwiches and top salads with them too.  My resorceful husband tought me how to sprout at home last year.

He bought us this Burpee seed sprouter which works great and was less than $10.  It came with some starter seeds which was awesome because we got to try lots of different sprouts when we started out.  Since then I buy seeds at our local co op in the dry bulk foods section.  Today I got myself and my baby pulled together somehow into some sort of decent outfits and stocked up on our two favorites.  Alfalfa seeds and broccoli seeds.  Now for all you moms to be you are supposed to steer clear of sprouts during pregnancy because of concerns about e coli.  I didn't eat them while I was pregnant.

Now the seed sprouter is filled with seeds and you just have to rinse them twice a day and within a week you will have amazing fresh sprouts!  Fun for the kids and I enjoy watching them grow too.  Once they are ready to eat I put them in the refrigerator and start over so by the time we are out we already have a new batch ready to go.  So easy and such a huge money saver!

Tonight I am making grilled organic hot Italian sausage served on grilled sourdough rolls with grilled onions and sprouts.

5 comments on "Sprouts Anyone"

(JIN) Love, Loss & Lacquer on June 16, 2010 at 4:43 PM said...


Stephanie on June 16, 2010 at 4:48 PM said...

That sounds and looks so good! I'll be picking up some sprouts on my next trip out!

little luxury list on June 16, 2010 at 5:24 PM said...

You are so healthy! I ate sprouts all the time in college until being traumatized by my then boyfriend equating them to insects. I'm ready to go back to sprouts but wonder if they have them here.

Ma What's 4 dinner on June 17, 2010 at 4:17 AM said...

OH I love sprouts and can't wait to hear about that sausage sandwich. I can tell you and I are going to get along very well... :)

Lots of yummy love,
Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner?

Jessica @ Barefoot by the Sea on June 17, 2010 at 10:26 AM said...

Looks delish. I'm your newest follower. Love it

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